A new name that signals what’s next
After defining the brand’s voice and persona, we turned our attention to the rebrand’s most consequential and public-facing part. The challenge was clear. “Empire Group” had equity but lacked the elasticity to support its future ambitions. The name needed to convey momentum, reliability, and vision while feeling at home in the foodservice space. Our iterative process explored dozens of possibilities, from evocative Latin and Greek root words to industry-centric terms reflecting precision, speed, and service. After extensive stakeholder workshops, one name rose to the top: Sequent Foodservice Solutions. It embodied a commitment to deliver everything the foodservice industry needs next at the speed it demands — sometimes meaning, quite literally, the kitchen sink.
Next came the tagline, a critical component in shaping how the brand would communicate this promise. We explored messaging centered around dependability, partnership, and innovation, ensuring the final line would be as purposeful as the name itself. The result? “Delivering a higher standard.” This reflected Sequent’s commitment not just to logistical excellence, but to pushing the industry forward.